How To Relax During Weekends

Weekends are always welcome after a week long indulgence in work. It brings with it the respite and relaxation which rejuvenates one for the next week's activity. But before one, realises, the weekend takes off on its wings, hardly being utilized the proper way.

Here are few weekend ideas or tips as to how to relax during weekends.

1.Let rest be the top prerogative on your weekend agenda, for it is the only time when you can really rest.

2.Complete your household chores in a more relaxed way and rushing into them in a dash to complete them. This only hamper the purpose of relaxing.

3.Engage your children in household activities like gardening or cleaning, which serves the double purpose of completing the job, while spending quality time with them, as well as relaxing.

4.Do not have too many engagements, even in the name of relaxation like visiting a theatre, going to a pub or the mall. While you may be interested in doing all of them, see to it that you allow some time for yourself .
5.Too many activities during the weekend may leave you with your energy ebbed.

6.See to it that you spend quality time with yourself in solitude. While it is very relaxing, it also allows you to assess yourself and pull up your socks for the following week.

7.While you may adhere to discipline, see to it that you do not get into a lot of scheduling, which may get you on your toes in fulfilling them, driving away relaxation.

8.Do not also keep away too much from activities, which will bring in boredom.

9.Spend your time with people whose company you really relish.

10.Last but not the least concentrate on a healthy diet and get yourself good sleep. This is the best way to relax and help you bounce back to work for the following week.

So go ahead with these simple weekend ideas and tips for relaxed weekend.
thanks oneindia

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