Ultimately, you want to reduce the universe of available prospects down to your DREAM 50.
What’s a “DREAM” client?
Here’s your filter system: Of all the potential client target groups, which is EASY, FAST,and PROFITABLE?
EASY—They are easy to reach, costing you little advertising, marketing, and sales effort.
FAST—When presented with your solution, the value is quickly recognized and they are fast to make a decision and purchase.
PROFITABLE—Once converted, their lifetime value is richly profitable because of their transaction size, upsell purchases, frequency of repeat purchases, and referrals.
With this new narrowed focus, here is a 5-Step Action Plan for targeting your DREAM 50 clients.
1. List Your 50
Use the filter above.
2. Lay in Their Bed
What are they laying awake at night thinking about? What problems, worries, fears, or challenges are they facing? What are their goals? What are they looking for? What do they need? (Not what YOU think they need, but what THEY think they need.)
Remember, this sales adage is wrong: Find a need and fill it.
No. If a client doesn’t perceive they have a need, they don’t.
That’s why you have to lay in their bed and find out what need THEY perceive to have. Then you can help fill it.
3. Customize Your Solution
Write out exactly what your customized solution is to their unique pains, problems, hopes, and desires—those things that matter most to them (not just you) so when you finally do get in front of them, or on the phone or in the elevator, you can immediately tickle their fancy.
4. Find a Bridge
I don’t make cold calls. And you shouldn’t either. Cold calls are for rookies.
Rather than just being just some Joe or Jane Shmoe contacting your DREAM 50 cold and out of the blue, find a relationship bridge between you and your DREAM 50 client. Get referred in from a credible and trusted source.
For instance, I am contacted a dozen times a week asking me to endorse someone’s book. If I don’t know the person or their work personally, I cannot even respond. Last week Harvey Mackay called me asking me to review someone’s book and, if I found suitable, to give it an endorsement. I did and I did. And it was the only one. The rest might have been worthy, but the rest were not referred into me by an already trusted source. Make sense?
Brainstorm WHO knows the person or company you want to do business with. If you don’t know anyone right now (be sure to check your LinkedIn connections) then find out who their vendors are (CPA, attorney, other clients, etc.). Find someone to get you personally introduced.
5. Deliver Your “WOW” Solution
Don’t just settle for one bridge or one path to your Dream 50. Review the Shock and Awe Strategy here. Get aggressive, and don’t be afraid to lose one-out-of-five.
Imagine if you only captured 10 of those 50 DREAM clients. What would that do to your business and your life? Hey, even only 5! That is why this is an enormously valuable strategy. Go through the exercise today. Get your team involved. This could be game-changing for everyone involved.
vinay mohanty
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