"The best ways to keep people coming back are:
be believable, credible, attractive, responsive and empathetic."
We believe you create a future, characterized by high performance and fulfillment, by making a responsible commitment to think right, work right, sell right, study right, and live right.
Here are ten strategies for forming the habit of selling right.
. Give it your best. Do every selling job to a finish and accept nothing but your best every time. As a professional salesperson, you are paid for the quality of service you provide with what you know, for those you know.
. Look like a winner. If you look like a winner, it's much easier to be one. You'll look as if you represent a reliable company. You'll look as if you're accustomed to influencing people and closing sales.
. Enjoy every sales call. Before every sales call, ask yourself this question: How would I feel about making this call if I knew it was going to be a good sale?
. Pay attention. Learn as much as possible about your prospects -- their reputations and capacities, who they are buying from now and what they are receiving for their dollars. Decide to be a shrewd observer.
. Build relationships. All things being equal, or not equal, prospects tend to buy from salespeople they trust, respect and like the most.
. Sell ethically. What is your ethical base? Can you articulate it? Can you identify how it influences your personal and professional behavior? Ethical behavior is doing the right thing, because doing the right thing is the right thing to do.
. Manage sales resistance. Realize resistance doesn't mean denial or refusal. In selling, it means, "Give me a reason to buy!"
. Close sales confidently. The most important factor in closing sales is not the customer. It's not the product. It's not the price. It's not the terms. It's not the weather or business conditions. It's you - the individual behind the sale - the closer who is thinking right and who has mastered a closing strategy.
. Develop endorsements. No advertising is as trusted as the spontaneous testimony of delighted customers. Expect endorsements.
. Serve what you sell. Never forget a client. Never let a client forget you.
Good luck and good selling,
vinay mohanty
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