anaother letter to Shri. Arun Jaitely

LIAFI-SG/GOI-062/14                                                                                                                                     23 July 2014
Shri. Arun Jaitely,
Minister of Finance,
134, North Block,
NEW DELHI-110 001

Respected Sir,

Sub:  Wasteful Expenditure in L.I.C of India.

We congratulate you for presenting the maiden budget of this Government, which is largely appreciated.  You are aware that L.I.C. is a gigantic financial organization supporting Central and State Governments, Municipal Corporations and Local Bodies.  All this is possible because of the faith reposed by the policyholders in LIC. This confidence is gradually eroding because of the meager returns they are receiving on their investment (policies) in buying the products. We feel that LIC should control and avoid wasteful expenditure there by regaining confidence of policyholders.  We would like to bring the following few areas to substantiate our claim.

1.       The GOI is trying to administrate with less Ministers and Officers. It is done in view of better administration with less expenditure. LIC is doing the other way.  LIC increased number of departments after the year 2006. There are Four Managing Directors’ posts and Twenty Five Executive Directors besides Chiefs for its subsidiary organization like LIC HFL, Mutual Funds, and Credit Cards etc. Though LIC is modernized, there is no pruning of personnel. We feel that there is excess work force.

2.       On the instructions of  Shri. P. Chidambaram, previous Minister of Finance a concept of “MINI OFFICES” introduced by spending Crores of rupees. This concept is nothing but to rehabilitate retired LIC personnel and deputing existing personnel.       

LIC also introduced a scheme of “EMPOWERED AGENTS” who can collect premia. We are requesting LIC to give more empowerment as is given to Mini Offices. This will not only reduce expenditure on LIC but also improve status of an Agent.

3.       LIC introduced a scheme of providing Meal Coupons to its Officers / Employees,  from 01-09-2010 onwards incurring  around Rs. 262 Crores annually that might have  gone up to Rs. 350 Cr.  The idea behind the scheme is that the personnel must attend and leave as per their Standing Orders. We feel it is nothing but bribing the personnel. Meal Coupons are misused by procuring Ration and other commodities. This is possible because of nexus between the LIC personnel and designated Malls

We raised these issues several times with our Management without any results.  Nearly Rs. 1000/- Cr., can be saved if proper steps are taken, which in turn can be untilled for increasing the Bonus to policyholders. We request you to enquire in to the above points and help the policyholders.  

Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
For Life Insurance Agents Federation of India

Secretary General
vinay mohanty

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